Vulgar Curiosity


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Corey Discovers Racism in Antique Form.

Ah, the old days, back when grandpa used to walk to school 400,000,000 miles barefoot with a camel on his back and a soda pop was only 1 cent.

...and if you we're white, then you probably were a little wary of anyone that wasn't, well, white.

Today me and the wife hit up some antique shops to get some culture of how things went down "back in the day" and also because some stuff that you come across is pretty damn cool.

Manbat!! Issue Numero Uno, people.

But sometimes history takes a darker (no pun intended) turn, and you find things such as...

Don't ask, because I have no idea what he wants either.

Yes, this kinda stuff is still sold, believe it or not. But let me take you a little deeper into the shop of wonders...

O h m y g o d.

"We needs!" which is then followed by, well, what we needs.
Clearly love is what we needs here. And some education on what NOT to sell at any kind of shop, new or old.

This next one is not an antique at all, but a firm reflection of the first part of the 00' decade. Enjoy:

Do your country a good one and bag a few

Be sure to visit your local antique shop to see how white folk got they're slurs on in the ol' days.


and here's this painting i found in the very back:

fucking creepy.